Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Delicious Endeavors Recipe Carnival, Fourth Edition!

Welcome to the March 30, 2010 edition of delicious endeavors recipe carnival.  This edition has been modified quite a bit by me... and I'm sorry to have to say that I've had to modify the rules of the carnival a bit.  From now on Delicious Endeavors will be a RECIPE and COOKING carnival.  If I read a submission that doesn't either tell us how to cook something, or give us specific food uses then I will not include it.  Please forgive me for the technicality but I've received sooooo many submissions from week to week that are not applicable for a recipe carnival.

Now on to the party!!!!!  There are some great submissions this week!


Ishtar presents » The world of solar cooking Esther Garvi: The Garvi Family Chronicles posted at Esther Garvi.  This post is positively fascinating.  She's cooking with a solar slow cooker and although the idea of liver stew doesn't ring my bell (I'm not a fan of liver) I love the idea itself and the method.  Now if only I could do this in NY, lol!

Tabitha Bee presents a recipe for a quiche in To Market posted at eats of eden.  I have to say that reading this post made me want to visit a fresh market so badly.  We aren't quite to that season here yet, but I'm so excited to be able to get some farm fresh ingredients on the table this spring.

Sarah  presents Company Worthy Side Dishes posted at NH Mommy of 3.  These side dishes are all fairly healthy and could easily be used for entertaining, or even just as a weeknight accompaniment!

Christy presents Chocolate Chip Pancakes posted at Well, bless your heart, 'eh?. Talk about a delicious breakfast!

Don't they look yummy?

We eat a lot of Mexican food around here so I was excited to see that Lisa submitted Crock Pot Refried Beans posted at 4-Ricks.

And last, but not least, Granny here at Granny's house submitted her Veggie and Barbecued Onion stuffed Pitas

And that concludes this week's Delicious Endeavors Carnival!  Be sure to join the fun and submit a recipe for next week's edition.  (I know that the Blog Carnival program has not been keeping my dates for scheduled carnivals but I'm trying to make this a weekly event, even if the dates don't seem to jive on the submission form.. don't be afraid to submit anyway!)

Submit your blog article to the next edition of
delicious endeavors recipe carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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