Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Delicious Endeavors Recipe Carnival, Second Edition!!!!

This post is a little later in the day than I'd intended it but when I started creating it it came to my realization that there were a few submissions that were clearly spam... so I had to take care of that first and edit the post some. 

Also, it does state in the rules that there should only be one submission, per carnival, per blog.  Which means that y'all who submitted five or six different recipes will have to wait for other weeks to submit them.  I can only accept one at a time here.  (although I will admit that many of them looked delicious, so please resubmit them later!)

Remember:  the due date for the next edition is Monday March 22nd!

Now without further ado....

Welcome to the March 16, 2010 edition of delicious endeavors recipe carnival.

Ruben Berenguel presents (do ( ) (( ))): Gluten,dairy,egg-free dark brown cane sugar biscuit posted at (do ( ) (( ))), saying, "A delicious recipe, apt for almost everyone. Don't be shy and try it!"


We here at Granny's House submitted this Strawberry Shortcake Cake that was delicious!

Wallet Blogger presents Organic Food: Healthy Food Ideas For The Ordinary Shopper posted at The Smarter Wallet.

Cathryn shared this recipe for Chicken Tortellini Soup on her blog, Lucky 10 Thirteen.

Christy presents Mama's Potato Salad posted at Well, bless your heart, 'eh?, and it looks like a no-fail recipe!

tosin presents Mushroom Onion Pork Chops posted at life, in a nutshell.  These chops sound so easy and can be made with stuff that's always on hand.

Sarah - presents Chocolate Mint Brownies posted at Sarah - NH Mommy of 3 - crazyredhead.  I had to include her picture of these.  Aren't they spectacular? 

Jennifer presents Appelkoek! (Dutch apple cake - a la my mother!) posted at Momof2GreatCats's Xanga.

Lisa presents Tortilla and Butternut Squash Soup posted at 4-Ricks.

Matthew  presents Lemon Tart posted at Desserts.

Lori presents Chocolate Cherry Candy Cakes posted at Two Southern Girls.

Jeff  presents Chipotle BBQ Chicken Sandwich posted at Andrea's Daily Dish.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
delicious endeavors recipe carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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1 comment:

  1. You make me want to host a carnival one day! I think I just might do that. I can't wait to check these out.
